Peter Maclennan PhD
Chief Executive Officer
Peter spent his 20s conducting academic research into rare muscle disease and cardiovascular therapeutics. He joined the pharmaceutical industry in 1992 and has worked in Clinical Research Organisations since 1995 in senior operational/business roles.
Peter joined TCR-Solutions in 2016. Working closely with Davy Yeung, he has had a key role in the development of TCR-Solutions from a 3 person team to their current position as a multi-national provider. With more than 25 years experience working with pharma/biotech as a CRO partner, he is ideally placed to understand the needs of TCR-Solutions’ pharma, biotech and academic sponsors.
Peter’s primary role today is providing support to his TCR-Solutions colleagues as they deliver clinical research projects to the highest standards of quality, timeliness and customer focus and to continue implementing Davy’s vision of a CRO that has a uniquely effective approach to partnering with hospital research sites.